Northstar Horizon

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Wed Jun 2 17:30:31 1999

This isn't exactly what you're discussing, but . . . I've got, in my hand an
S-100 board, not fully populated, silkscreened

"North Star Computers, Inc.
Z-80A Processor Board Z80-A2"

I'll send this jewel via USPS Priority mail, as is, to the first person
whose $3.20 I get in the mail to cover mailing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Duell <>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: Northstar Horizon

>> > > And I need to bring up a terminal, or configure
>> > > something to function as a terminal.
>> > A PC with comms software is nice as you can use the logging feature to
>> > save scribbling notes as you bring it up.
>> Except that it adds a few minor additional interfacing variables. If I
>> get NOTHING, would I assume that it's a problem with the N*, or could it
>> be configuring of HYPERTERMINAL? I think that the FIRST step, that of
>> getting a character or two through, would best be accomplished with the
>> simplest terminal available. I have a lunchbox machine; I should see if
>> it has a working serial port, and try something like PROCOMM.
>Having recomended a complex piece of test gear in another message, here
>I'll recomend something simple that I wouldn't like to be without - a
>'Christmas tree' type RS232 tester. One of those little in-line adapters
>with red/green LEDs on the major lines (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR,
>If I am ever bringing up an unknown machine which uses a serial terminal,
>I stick that on the port in line to whatever terminal I am using. Then I
>can tell if the machine is trying to send something as the TxD (or RxD,
>as appropriate) LED will flicker. Of course it'll also tell me if an
>unknown port is a DTE or DCE, and will help sort out handshaking problems.
>Although I have a lot of other RS232 test gear (several breakout boxes, a
>comms monitor, etc), I use this more than all the others put together.
>If you want to make one, all it consists of are those 2-colour LEDs (red
>and green diode in antiparallel) with 2 wires in series with a 3k
>resistor (3k3 would also work) between the above mentioned signals and
>Signal Ground. But they're pretty cheap to buy ready-made.
Received on Wed Jun 02 1999 - 17:30:31 BST

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