Space, the next frontier

From: Mike Ford <>
Date: Fri Jun 4 12:04:47 1999

Reporting back on what I finally have done. I started asking all of my
normal scrap dealers I buy old computers from about shelving. Took a week
or two, then bingo, "yeah I got bunch of shelving in the back". For $175 I
bought two pickup truck loads of Rapid Rack commercial boltless shelving
(which of course is piled all over my garage waiting for me to clear space
to put it up).

This is I declare a great way to go, with two caveats. Commercial shelving
is VERY heavy, make sure the vehicle can handle the load. Do not assume
that any pile of stuff no matter how large contains all the parts for what
you want to do. My particular huge pile after sorting is missing all the
side connectors (goes from front to back of shelves and holds the rack
together) for the 24" depth shelves I wanted to put up. I have plenty for
larger shelves, so I may use that.

Last point, I now know much more than I desire to about shelving, including
that my present level of knowledge is still pretty lacking. At least I can
talk the lingo as I go off in search of 24" DRB today.
Received on Fri Jun 04 1999 - 12:04:47 BST

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