A Qbus looking for item...

From: Daniel T. Burrows <danburrows_at_mindspring.com>
Date: Fri Jun 4 20:05:09 1999

I sounds like the Viking series. Zane was kind enough to post a few things
I scanned which includes an OCR of the Viking manuals along with a few gif
scans of pages that the OCR did not keep lined up.
Feel free to contact me off list for more info.

>I have a SCSI card I was given and I'd like to find data or info
>to use them. There is no question they are SCSI from the chips and
>The boards appear to be MTI QTS25 (viking marked on one Eprom). Standard
>dual height dual width.
>I'm hoping they are MSCP as I play to try them.

Depends on the PAL that is installed. The markings are as follows:
QTO= Tape only (TMSCP)
QDO= Disk only (MSCP)
QDT= Disk and Tape.

Received on Fri Jun 04 1999 - 20:05:09 BST

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