Disk Drive Documents

From: Don Maslin <donm_at_cts.com>
Date: Sun Jun 6 23:34:30 1999

On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Richard Erlacher wrote:

> We're not in a hurry, yet, so we should look for a format suitable for
> everyone. The reason document publishers like PDF is that it allows you to
> view the document, print it, print excerpts, search, and so on, yet doesn't
> let you extract text from it. Of course, you can output it to PCL, convert
> the PCL to BMP, convert the BMP to TIF, then run it through an OCR processor
> to create clear text. The reason I like it is that it allows me to keep the
> OLD data books I have in my technical library on the shelves gathering dust
> except when I want information that's not in the new ones. I tolerate that
> it only works under WINDOWS, and I tolerate that it won't process other file
> formats, and I tolerate that I can't extract a quote when I need to. It has
> served me well, though, I have to admit.
> The problem I see is that since the PDF is so easy to process for the
> average Win95 user, even though that may not include everyone in this forum,
> there's a PDF viewer for LINUX, just as there's one for various other *NIX
> types. I don't know whether ther's one for OS8 or whatever the PDP8 users
> have, but I see a potential problem when it comes to finding a "better"
> tool. There may be a tool which YOU like better, for whatever reasons, and
> there may be one which I like better for whatever reasons I have, but it's
> unlikely someone will host a site on which we can put this document set in
> half a dozen different formats. (BTW, there's another manual, now, i.e. the
> MITSUBISHI 4894, or whatever they called their DS 8" drive back in the late
> '70's.)

I think it is 2894 for the full height and 2906 for the later half height.

                                                 - don
> As for finding a "home" for this data, I think the "unofficial CP/M site"
> might be the place, though I've not yet contacted the site owner. Many
> CP/M-ers will at one time or another need this data.
Received on Sun Jun 06 1999 - 23:34:30 BST

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