
From: Rodrigo Ventura <>
Date: Mon Jun 7 14:12:53 1999

        Hi. In my last visit to a very nice junkyard (near Lisbon,
Portugal) I came across a box, a bit larger than a DECserver 300,
named DECmicroserver, having about 4 very large D connectors (3 rows
of pins) named "line 1" in the back. Anyone knows what it is? (I'm
really tempted to buy it).


*** Rodrigo Martins de Matos Ventura <>
***  Teaching Assistant and MSc. Student at ISR:
***   Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Polo de Lisboa
***    Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
***     PGP Public Key available on my homepage:
*** Key fingerprint = 0C 0A 25 58 46 CF 14 99  CF 9C AF 9E 10 02 BB 2A
Received on Mon Jun 07 1999 - 14:12:53 BST

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