"Jason (the General)" wrote:
> I just found drivers for the Sound Source today. It turned out that one of
> the people on my ICQ list also has a Sound Source. I loaded the Win 3.1
> drivers in my P70, fired it up, and it works!
> Now my next 'project'. I have an old Covox Speech Thing that I've had
> sitting around for quite some time. Just for the heck of it, I plugged it
> into the parallel port of the P70, fired up the P70, loaded windows, and....
> A garbled mess of undefinable static came out of the speaker...
> I'm guessing that this means that it works, but has nowhere near the
> capabilities of the Sound Source.
> I remember that someone had emailed me, saying that they had the drivers for
> the Speech Thing (I know that Sputter is supposed to drive it, but have no
> clue how to set it up because I don't know the port address of the parallel
> port on my SupersPORT...) I lost the email of the person that said they had
> the drivers (HD crash - *stupid windoze*). Do you remember who you are?
That was probably me. I just moved recently, so I got to look around and find
it. Give me some time. I know I have it, just can't remember where I put it.
I haven't used this in years.
( o o )
| Ram Meenakshisundaram
| Senior Software Engineer
| OpenLink Financial Inc
| .oooO Phone: (516) 227-6600 x267
| ( ) Oooo. Email: rmeenaks_at_olf.com
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Received on Tue Jun 08 1999 - 08:13:58 BST