I received several boxes of old parts, I hope someone might be able to
tell me something about them.
Hard drives...
1- Seagate ST-251, 3- ST-4384E (94186-383H).
1- Control Data 94166-182
1- Miniscribe 3053
Plug in cards...
5- WDC1985 - WD1003-WA2 These look like they might be HD controllers.(I
Several Zenith Data Systems cards, including a cpu card with an 8088. These
look as if they may have been a PC Clone built on sort of a backplane.
There were about twenty pounds of other cards, but these seem to be the
most interesting.
Charlie Fox
Charles E. Fox
Chas E. Fox Video Productions
793 Argyle Rd. Windsor N8Y 3J8 Ont. Canada
email foxvideo_at_wincom.net Homepage
Received on Tue Jun 08 1999 - 10:48:17 BST