SW needed for Radius pivot monitor

From: John Rollins <rexstout_at_uswest.net>
Date: Wed Jun 9 00:27:31 1999

> I picked up a Radius Pivot Precision Color 17 monitor today with both PC
>and Mac cables. Does anyone know where I can get software to rotate the
>picture on the CRT? I've looked all over Radius's site but can't find
>any. I'm looking for software for both the PC and the Mac.
Well, you can get SoftPivot 3.2.1 for $40 from
http://www.radiusvintage.com/, but that's just nuts. Try using
FTPSearch(doesn't Lycos run that now?) to search for SoftPivot or
RadiusWare. I might have an old copy laying around, but it'll take a long
time to dig out... Kinda suprises me that they want so much money for their
discontinued stuff, you'd think they'd be happy to get rid of the shipping
and all that and just have some FTP server with the old software
versions... There's some stuff on ftp://ftp.radiusvintage.com/, but
SoftPivot hasn't been up there for over a year...
It also kinda seems funny that they want you to pay for something that they
DID have up on their FTP site for free before... But hey, I just got two
more TPD/19's, so what am I supposed to do? They need a special video
card(or maybe a nice PowerMac like the one I'm using that supports what
used to be a strange spec)to do much of anything but waste space.

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Received on Wed Jun 09 1999 - 00:27:31 BST

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