My new toy: HP85

From: <(>
Date: Wed Jun 9 10:24:59 1999


> Yesterday evening a friend gave me a new toy. Hp85, which is a
> strange looking computer. Four slots at the back, and I have
> five cards to plug in there:
> I havn't powered the thing up yet, but apparently it runs BASIC. It
> has a printer and what looks like a tape slot.

If you also have same tapes, do *NOT* insert any tape that you
value ihto the tape drive yet! The capstan rubber on those drives
generally has turned to goo by now, which will come off and coat the
tape you insert, ruining the tape! Joe Rigdon and Stan Perkins
may comment more on this subject.

Received on Wed Jun 09 1999 - 10:24:59 BST

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