Early BASIC "how-to" books

From: Phil Guerney <guerney_at_uq.net.au>
Date: Sun Jun 13 04:05:37 1999

There must have been a thousand titles like "Learn BASIC for your ModelX
Home Computer".

The earliest I have found is Copyright 1977 by Jerald Brown (DYMAX, CA)
called Instant Basic and subtitled "Learn the new streamlined ALTAIR style
BASIC used in personal computers and the similar DEC BASIC-PLUS". It is a
thick letter paper sized softcover in a very "jazzed-up" style full of large
print in mixed-up typefaces and clip-art. (dilithium Press, OR).

I am sure there probably are earlier "for the masses" BASIC texts aimed at
home microcomputer owners (which cuts out those books on VAX Basic etc) -
how early do they go?

in Brisbane, Australia.
Received on Sun Jun 13 1999 - 04:05:37 BST

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