> On Fri, 4 Jun 1999 03:05:05 GMT, lemay_at_cs.umn.edu said:
> >Does anyone here have experience with AT&T 3B2 300 hardware/software?
> >I apparently have a pile of doc and software which is in complete disarray.
> >The software is all on 5.25" DSDD diskettes, and i'm not even sure if
> >i have what i need to format and reinstall an operating system. Does
> >anyone know what type of hard drives these computers support, or know
> >if the floppy drive can be upgraded to high density?
> This is going to be tricky. I have a 3B2/400 which seems to work, but
> I have never dared to do much with it because I do not have any software
> on tape or floppies at all, only what is on the hard disk. To install or
> maintain the system, you need a special 'system manager' floppy which has
> the needed formatter and other tools, and that even until the end of life
> of the systems was only available from AT&T direct for a stiff price.
> Even the tcp/ip communications software was an (expensive) option.
> I don't have it, my machine only has serial ports. BTW, you need special
> RJ45 to DB25 cables for the serial ports, do you have those?
Hmm, Apparently I would also need the 5 3B2 Core System floppy disks,
which I dont have.
This is what I have on floppys:
UNIX Writers Workbench
Ver 3.0 SVR 2 (4 floppy set)
Spell Utilities
3Bnet Utilities
Basic Networking Utilities
Inter-Process Communication Utilities
Terminal Filters Utilities
Documenters Workbench (4 disk set)
Line Printer Spooling Utilities
Unix Pascal Compiler
FORTRAN Programming Utilities (2 disk set)
C Programming Utilities (issue 3.1) (3 disk set)
Extended Software Generation Utilities (3 disk set)
Extended Software Generation Utilities (issue 3.1) (3 disk set)
The Unix System V utilities pack containing:
* Directory & File Management Utilities
* Terminal Information Utilities (2 disk set)
* System Administration Utilities
* User Environment Utilities
* Editing Utilities
* Help Utilities
* Security Administration Utilities
-Lawrence LeMay
Received on Sun Jun 13 1999 - 15:45:19 BST
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