On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Lee Courtney wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on a volunteer project at the Computer History Center to
> interface a Documation desk top 80-column card reader to an IBM PC. The
> card reader is in very good condition, however we have no documentation
> for it. Do you know of, have, or can you provide pointers to any
> documentation
> for this device, how to interface to it, or operational information?
> On the back panel of the reader is a plate which lists the model as
> Documation "Model RM/TRM 10.12L-10.12C", with a sticker on the front
> with "Model 10.L12+", and operates at 115V 6.1A.
Well... I've got some specs on the reader that DEC OEM'd from Documation.
You might have a look at the picture on my web page to see if the unit
looks similar. Go to:
It is about the third item down.
> The reader has a 1" x 2" (approximately) data connector on the back with
> this layout:
> +---------------------+
> | O O O O |
> | O O O O |
> | O O O O O O |
> | O O O O |
> + | O X O | +
> | O O O O |
> | O O O O O O |
> | O O O O |
> | O O O O |
> +---------------------+
> Legend: O female connector
> X Connector screw hole in center of the recepticle
> + Guide holes where the hood would attach
> The data connector is similar to, but isn't, a V.35 connector.
That connector layout matches mine. The connectors are still made but are
annoyingly expensive. Think I paid about $85.00 each for them.
If the units look similar, I'll dig up the specifics on the interface for
you. Some things to be aware of in any case...
The basic interface is 12 bit parallel with a couple of control signals
and status (error) signals.
The interface presents 'raw' (un-buffered, un-latched) data, plus there
are timing issues with the 'column strobe' output relative to the data
outputs which are assumed to be handled by the interface card in the host
computer. When I needed to run my unit on a machine other than it was
intended for (intended for a PDP-8 or 11, used it on an Altair), I had to
build a buffer/latch/timing correction circuit in order to get valid data
to the parallel ports (I used two) on the Altair.
If yours is anything like mine, it does not like being cold or being
rushed. Plan on allowing the unit to idle for about five minutes after
initial power-on before trying to read anything...
As an aside, there is an outfit called 'Cardamation' which still markets
and repairs Documation card equipment. ( They
also offer Documation readers retrofitted with an RS-232 interface. (I've
just obtained one at auction and hope to have it in-house within a couple
of weeks)
Unless you just want the experience of doing the interfacing and coding,
you might want to contact them to see if a 'deal' might be worked out for
an interface upgrade. (or perhaps a full set of docs)
... I also offer card reading/conversion services, but since that question
was not asked... B^}
Say 'hi' to Dag for me...
The Computer Garage -
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
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Received on Tue Jun 15 1999 - 14:51:54 BST