Off Topic about GRiD and 1958 Oscilloscope- Help requested.

From: Christian Fandt <>
Date: Thu Jun 17 07:23:17 1999

Upon the date 12:30 AM 6/17/99 -0500, Greg Linder said something like:
> I've gotten my hands on a touchscreen GRiDpad. I don't recall the
  -- snip --

I can't really help with the GRIDpad Greg but what model is the Tek 'scope?

> On a side note, I've also picked up a 1958 Tektronix O-scope (the
>school I go to was tossing it). It works fine, aside from the fact that
>the CRT on it scans so far to the left as to be almost off the screen.
>Does anyone out there have experience with this vintage of oscilloscope?
> Thanks!
> Greg

Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
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Received on Thu Jun 17 1999 - 07:23:17 BST

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