OT -mostly -

From: Jim Strickland <jim_at_calico.litterbox.com>
Date: Fri Jun 18 14:58:08 1999

After playing with BeOS a while something occurred to me. Does anyone remember
at what point operating systems stopped coming with development tools? I'm
remembering the commodore 64 that came with Basic, and if you typed in the
assembler from the manual, you could (at least in theory) write proffessional
quality assembly language programs worthy of being sold to others.

Compare this to modern OSs - windows, macos, etc where the development package
costs hundreds or thousands of dollars extra.

(small plug - BeOS comes with (theoretically) all the tools you need to do
development on it.)
Jim Strickland
                            BeOS Powered!
Received on Fri Jun 18 1999 - 14:58:08 BST

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