From: Dwight Elvey <>
Date: Mon Jun 21 12:29:09 1999

LordTyran <> wrote:
> I'm watching Pirates of Silicon Valley on TNT right now (yes, I'm so lame
> I have my computer in front of the television) and Bill Gates is working
> on a box... the dialogue infers that it is supposed to by an Altair,
> but it's just a big box with four blinking lights (alternates - 2 red,
> 2 green) and reading paper tape.... next scene he's working on a PDP-8/?
> (I I think, but I'm not up on my PDPs... not so much working on it as
> having the machine open on his table... no soldering iron, manuals,
> cards... I could have made the scene a lot better with the stuff in my
> basement...)

 Most of the early compilers and assemblers ran on something
other than a 8080 based machine. They would cross compile
and make paper tape. This would then be read into the 8080
machine. So, in reality, the may be more realistic than you'd
Received on Mon Jun 21 1999 - 12:29:09 BST

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