That awful show on TNT

From: Max Eskin <>
Date: Mon Jun 21 14:34:54 1999

On Sun, 20 Jun 1999, Sellam Ismail wrote:
>If the facts and how they are perceived in the public's mind weren't
>already distorted enough, this show totally trivializes the recent history
>of computing. They would not do this with the Holocaust or Vietnam, so
>how dare they create such a blatantly falsified story?

I assume that you're kidding. One can't know if there are misconceptions
without seeing the movie. To tell you the truth, I don't really respect
the recent history of computing all that much as to say that it could be
trivialized. However, I don't think that much could have been expected
from the same group that made a movie called 'Assault on Death Mountain'
(featured the previous week). I didn't see the movie, by the way.

As for the Holocaust and Vietnam, Schindler's List or Rambo was already
bad enough. However,
i)The Holocaust was featured on Star Trek: Voyager back when I still
turned on the TV. The Holodeck was damaged, and Nazis trapped the crew
inside. Interestingly, they also managed to blast a hole in the holodeck
with their mortar.
ii)There was a made-for-tv movie once about Jews fleeing Denmark in WWII.
That movie was almost a comedy. In one scene, a Gestapo man breaks into an
apartment where sits an old man. He says, "You're coming with me". The old
man says, "No, my friend, _you_ are coming with me" at which point they
shoot each other and both die.

--Max Eskin ( Ignorance is Impotence - Knowledge is Power
Received on Mon Jun 21 1999 - 14:34:54 BST

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