Compro, S100 & 8" drives

From: Dwight Elvey <>
Date: Tue Jun 22 12:25:00 1999

"Richard Erlacher" <> wrote:
> That's a risky proposition. CompuPro produced some of the best but much of
> the worst S-100 hardware ever made. It seems that Bill Godbout would buy a
> couple of boxcar loads of j-k flipflops and the next 5 boards his guys
> produced would be made from them. Nobody cared if they worked. People
> bought them because they were cheap. Interoperability was never a concern
> for Godbout. If it worked with ONE of their other boards, that was good
> enough.

 Godbout was known to pick up a part or two from Mike Quins.
Received on Tue Jun 22 1999 - 12:25:00 BST

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