
From: Doug Coward <dcoward_at_pressstart.com>
Date: Tue Jun 22 17:09:32 1999

Sam said:
>Its a "story" (fictional) about the early days of Apple vs. Microsoft. I
>don't even want to talk about it really. Just know it was horrible in
>every way possible.
>If anyone dares to pipe up and say they actually liked it I swear to you I
>will unleash such a torrent of rage upon thee so please don't. Keep it to
>yourself for your own good.

  Ligh-en up Sam! It's not the Learning Channel and it's not the History
Channel. It's Turner, and they just colorized history a little. Partly
to keep the audience interested and partly to squeeze it all into 2 hours.
  I enjoyed all of the scenes that take place in Albuquerque. (MITS, the
hookers, Bill getting arrested). :)
  You just have to remember that not everyone on this list lives here in
California. In other places it not considered polite to tell people what
they can't think, what they can't say. :)


Doug Coward
Press Start Inc.
Received on Tue Jun 22 1999 - 17:09:32 BST

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