Xerox workstation -- need hardware info!

From: Rodrigo Ventura <>
Date: Wed Jun 23 07:22:21 1999

>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Duell <> writes:

    Tony> I have a daybreak. To confirm it's the same machine, it's a
    Tony> brown tower case with 5 card slots on the back. From the
    Tony> left (looking at the back), they are :

    Tony> Memory/video Spare (memory expansion?) Mesa Processor Board
    Tony> I/O Processor Board Spare (Optional I/O)

    Tony> To the right of those there's a fold-down door with the PSU
    Tony> and hard disk behind it. The floppy drive (and tape streamer
    Tony> on my machine) are separate boxes that stack on top of the
    Tony> main tower.

        I have all slots full, I cannot confirm the order right now,
but it seems right to me. In my unit, the PSU e ontop the harddisk,
and there are three fans on the bottom of the case, that slide just
like a rack (I guess it's even numbered after all the other boards),
after a couple of screws have been removed.

    Tony> I also have a monitor - a big (Samtron?) monochrome
    Tony> thing. What I don't have is the keyboard or mouse. The
    Tony> keyboard plugs into the 5 pin DIN socket on the monitor
    Tony> base, the mouse, I believe, plugs into the keyboard.

        Hum, one of the boards of my unit, the one with the floppy
interface, ethernet, and serial ports, has a DB9 conector labeled
keyboard. But I found a couple of extra lines in the DB15 monitor
connector besides video and sync signals...

    Tony> I am told that hardwre documentation and especially
    Tony> schematics for this machine are impossible to obtain. When I
    Tony> have time, I'll attack my machine with a logic analyser and
    Tony> try to figure out something about it. But that won't happen
    Tony> soon, I'm afraid.

        Thanks for the info anyway.


*** Rodrigo Martins de Matos Ventura <>
***  Teaching Assistant and MSc. Student at ISR:
***   Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Polo de Lisboa
***    Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
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Received on Wed Jun 23 1999 - 07:22:21 BST

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