Quest ELF was Top 150 .....

From: Dwight Elvey <>
Date: Wed Jun 23 17:43:13 1999

"Richard Erlacher" <> wrote:
> Aren't those 6520's just weak-kneed versions of the 6821? I haven't ever
> had cause to use a 6520 and I though it was more or less the same in an
> identical pinout as the 6821 (maybe the 6521).

Hi Dick
 I don't recall if it was the 6820 that was the same as the
6520 or the 6821 that was considered the same as the 6520.
I have parts labled with both 65XX and 68XX numbers some place
in one of my pinball machines ( I remember seeing this ). In
anycase, I would think that in most cases one could also use
6821's as well. Jameco also sells these:

6821 part # 43596 _at_ 2.49
68B21 part # 43414 _at_ 2.95

Since the 6520A was a 2 MHz part I would think that:
6520 = 6821
6520A = 68B21

If it were me, I'd just order the 6520A and be happy.
Received on Wed Jun 23 1999 - 17:43:13 BST

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