Local bus schedule

From: blstuart_at_bellsouth.net <(blstuart_at_bellsouth.net)>
Date: Sat Jun 26 20:37:54 1999

In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.990626212142.250A-100000_at_fred>, Max Eskin writes:
>Unibus (don't know anything about this besides that it's by DEC)
>Apple ][ bus
>Does anyone know about any others?

An old Sams book entitled The S-100 and other Micro Buses also includes
Benton Harbor bus - used on Heath H-8
Multibus - by Intel
TRS-80 bus - obvious usage
Digital Group bus
SS-50 - by SWTPC
Exorcisor - by Motorola
KIM bus - used on the KIM believe it or not
PET bus
Ohio Scientific bus

The book also includes a few x to S-100 translator designs.

A few others that come to mind:
Q-bus - for DECs smaller machines
Massbuss - for DECs larger 11s and some early VAXs
VAX BI - hmm, that nomenclature doesn't look right, but you may
   remember this move by DEC to use a non-open bus design
VME - the bus that lives forever
SBUS - used on several of Sun's SPARC machines
MBUS - used on other (for processor daughterboards?)
the AT&T 3b1/7300 bus

I'm sure I should be remembering more, but nothing else seems
to be coming to mind currently.

Brian L. Stuart
Received on Sat Jun 26 1999 - 20:37:54 BST

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