Available: IMSAI Chassis

From: James Willing <jimw_at_agora.rdrop.com>
Date: Mon Jun 28 09:55:23 1999

For Sale/Trade/Whatever...

IMSAI 8080 chassis and CPU board. Why 'chassis' rather than 'computer'?

It's missing the front panel. I had been considering rebuilding it into a
replica of an IMSAI dual-floppy sub-system, but it looks like I may have
finally tracked one of those down, so now this piece is (somewhat)

It does have the power supply and full card cage, so there is potential.
Mayhaps someone has one of the third party 'smart' front panel boards that
they want to play with?

Any which way... I'm entertaining offers, lest I decide that I really
need the room (and $$) and offer it up to the vultures on ePay... B^}

The Computer Garage - http://www.computergarage.org
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Received on Mon Jun 28 1999 - 09:55:23 BST

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