8T97 == 74367 ?? (IMSAI front panel)

From: Dwight Elvey <elvey_at_hal.com>
Date: Wed Jun 30 16:58:18 1999

James Willing <jimw_at_agora.rdrop.com> wrote:
> Given the 'C3' by itself, there would be no effect, but if you consider
> that the entire three byte jump sequence is jammed onto the CPU thru the
> cable (inst/hi addr/lo addr) ((watch, I probably got the byte sequence
> backwards and will get flamed)) it gets real interesting when the bytes
> are assembled and the jump executed...

Flame Flame Burn Burn Burn!!!!!

 Intel is low byte first then high byte ;)
The way it should be for 8 bit micros from a hardware stand point.
Motorola had extra hardware to solve the wrong way issue.
Received on Wed Jun 30 1999 - 16:58:18 BST

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