Article about collecting in Antique Trader.

From: Lawrence LeMay <>
Date: Wed Jun 30 18:12:53 1999

> Other than the Timex/Sinclairs, what's the cheapest machine which was
> available in 1982 that I could have used to learn BASIC and assembler and
> machine code -- at home?

The MicroACE. Available in kit form for about $170, that included the
extra 1K of ram ;) for a total of 2K ram. Basic in rom, video modulator
on board, cassette interface. Basically looked like a timex/sinclair
though. I bought mine definitely before 1981, so probably in 79 or maybe 80.

-Lawrence LeMay
Received on Wed Jun 30 1999 - 18:12:53 BST

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