Article about collecting in Antique Trader.

From: <(>
Date: Wed Jun 30 22:49:38 1999

Hi Tony:

In a message dated 6/30/99 10:34:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> There's little point in working out how to link
> a modern laser printer to a PERQ when you can get the original Canon
> interface card and hook up a CX-VDO.

Good point -- why reinvent the wheel?

The thrill for many ZX81ers is sticking wings on an oxcart and watching it
fly (erratically, and for a short time . . .)

> And other peripherals do get designed. Like a chording keyboard, a way to
> boot PERQ microcode from a PC (I _must_ find time to finish that!), etc
> Trivial hacks, like replacing 8" drives with 5.25"(1.2M) or 3.5" (1.44M)
> drives are common.

Great! IMHO, advancement of a platform is as important as preservation of
that platform.
> \begin{tongue-in-cheek}
> Of course if you start out with a real computer...
> \end{tongue-in-cheek}

Yeah, I know, but it was my first computer, and I still love the damn thing.
If it weren't for my exposure to the ZX81 (having no college education) I'd
probably be managing a burger stand somewhere, instead of maintaining my
lofty position as a _highly_paid_computer_professional_ and

Thanks for all of your help,

Glen Goodwin
Received on Wed Jun 30 1999 - 22:49:38 BST

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