vaxstation 3100 scsi cables

From: Jim Strickland <>
Date: Mon Mar 1 12:52:35 1999

This one is of special interest to Tim Shoppa, but I figured the rest of
the vax lovers here would be interested too.

I just ordered an external SCSI cable for my VaxStation 3100 model 40 - which
everyone said was terribly expensive due to it being a wierd connector.
I ordered it from 1-800-digital and they want $58(us) + tax. For those
with 3100 model 40s (it changes from model to model) the part number is

Generally speaking this is the second time I've ordered formerly VERY expensive
parts through 1-800-digital and gotten them for a fraction of the price
people were quoted in the bad old days. If you have DEC hardware and need
some wierdo proprietary pieces for it - simms, cables, etc - I would encourage
you to call them and get a current quote on the prices. It's been speculated
that what's happening is Compaq is unloading the spares for post-end-of-life
DEC stuff, so you might want to do it soon.
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat!  Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Mon Mar 01 1999 - 12:52:35 GMT

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