Uncle Emery's Funniest Computer Songs

From: Sellam Ismail <dastar_at_ncal.verio.com>
Date: Wed Mar 3 22:23:47 1999

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Tony Duell wrote:

> > Someone wrote a friggin song about the S100 bus? Did we just reach new
> > lows in nerdness?
> You are _suprised?_. I'm not.. I've come across songs about the internals
> of the PERQ, about RSX, about unix, about....

Actually, on second thought I take that back. These songs demonstrate to
an extent that the computer culture is more rich than people might

Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.

                  Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
                   See http://www.vintage.org/vcf for details!
                        [Last web site update: 02/15/99]
Received on Wed Mar 03 1999 - 22:23:47 GMT

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