I'm back (sort-of)...

From: Aaron Christopher Finney <af-list_at_wfi-inc.com>
Date: Mon Mar 8 12:05:37 1999

Hello all,

After being buried under an avalanche of work, I've tried to catch up
and resurface. 2672 messages in my classiccmp box this morning...

Sorry to have disappeared on the couple of pending transactions, so if I
was going to send you money or free garba^H^H^H^H^H^H collectables,
please email me at my regular email address (A_Finney_at_wfi-inc.com).

Some great messages in the whole pile, I just wish I'd gotten to them
sooner to join in. And damn it, I missed bidding on that 21 year old
computer (does 6' tall and 175lbs count as big iron?). I would have had
him paint my house and then sold him by the pound for dog food...

Good to be back,

Received on Mon Mar 08 1999 - 12:05:37 GMT

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