The new Amigas

From: Derek Peschel <>
Date: Mon Mar 8 17:45:36 1999

Max wrote:
> On 8 Mar 1999, Eric Smith wrote:

> >Why wouldn't you count CD32? If they do a new set-top, and it fails, and
> OK, let's say we made up a chronological list of every set-top box ever
> made. Now, we scratch off the CD-32. What other famous ones are left and
> what number from first was the CD-32? I think this may be more impervious
> to your semantic games :)

Oh, maybe now I see why everyone else thinks aliens just popped out of my
eyes or something... when I said the set-top box was novel, I mwant "as a
configuration for the Amiga" ONLY, not "in general".

Except for the CD-32 and the CDTV (which IIRC were not that popular, at
least the CDTV) I don't think the Amiga has been released on a set-top box
configuration before.

-- Derek
Received on Mon Mar 08 1999 - 17:45:36 GMT

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