mass storage controllers for S-100

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Tue Mar 16 01:46:53 1999

It turns out I've got a few mass storage controller which might be of use.
All were funcional when removed from their previous homes.

Cipher Data products - 2-board set + controller formatter (on the format of
the open reel tape drive, rather than the S-100 board pair) 9-trackTape
XComp 8" Winchester Disk Controller board pair tuned for the 4.34 MHz data
transfer rate of SA-100x series drives.
MSC - (later called Xebec) S-100, unfortunately over-height ST-506 (2
drives) interface, MFM coding.
Ditronics-1 (Micro Applications, Inc) dual density FDC (5-1/4" drives only)

Let me know if you have any use for these items, and perhaps we can arrange
a transfer.

Received on Tue Mar 16 1999 - 01:46:53 GMT

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