XT RAM Expansion Boards

From: Ward D. Griffiths III <gram_at_cnct.com>
Date: Tue Mar 16 08:13:26 1999

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Tim Hotze wrote:

> the PCB to go into the expansion slot. It's an easy upgrade, and it
> really looks like it was a good idea. But anyway, because of the
> size of the thing, my options are extremely limited as to what slot
> it can go into. I ended up having to take the RAM expansion board
> out. So can a RAM expanion board for an XT go into any slot, or is
> the XT picky like an Apple II as to what can go where?

An XT doesn't give a damn what goes where as long as it physically
and electrically fits. And proper use of a chainsaw on the case
minimizes problems with things fitting physically.
Ward Griffiths
"the timid die just like the daring; and if you don't take the plunge then 
you'll just take the fall"                                Michael Longcor
Received on Tue Mar 16 1999 - 08:13:26 GMT

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