FW: Media free/FS

From: Bruce Lane <kyrrin_at_my-dejanews.com>
Date: Wed Mar 17 19:37:04 1999

        Fellow in Stamford, CT's got some DEC'ish and generic media both free
and for sale. Get in contact directly if you're interested.

-=-=- <snip> -=-=-

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 10:44:55 -0500, in alt.sys.pdp11 you wrote:

>>From: Kelvin Smith <74654.3313_at_CompuServe.COM>
>>Subject: Media free/FS
>>Organization: CompuServe, Inc. (1-800-689-0736)
>>Message-ID: <eQnBc0Ic#GA.332_at_nih2naaf.prod2.compuserve.com>
>>Newsgroups: vmsnet.pdp-11,alt.sys.pdp11
>>Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 10:44:55 -0500
>>Lines: 23
>>Path: news1.jps.net!news-west.eli.net!news-sea-20.sprintlink.net!news-west.sprintlink.net!news-peer1.sprintlink.net!news.sprintlink.net!logbridge.uoregon.edu!isdnet!arl-news-svc-4.compuserve.com!news-master.compuserve.com!nntp-nih2naaf.prod2.compuserve.com
>>Xref: news1.jps.net vmsnet.pdp-11:37 alt.sys.pdp11:179
>>The following media are available as we transition to new hardware.
>>On all items, either you pick up or pay shipping from Stamford, CT.
>>1) 7 RA60P disk packs - free.
>>2) 5 RL02K-DC disk packs - free.
>>3) 9-track tapes, used (offers on as many or as few as you want welcomed):
>> 90 3600' 3M Black Watch 703 tapes, EZ-Load II cartridges, $5 or best offer.
>> 100 2400' 3M Black Watch 700 tapes, EZ-Load II cartridges, $3 or B.O.
>> 70 2400' tapes, various manufacturers, tape seals, $3 or B.O.
>> 50 600' tapes, various manufacturers, tape seals, $1 or B.O.
>> 6 600' tapes, new 3M Black Watch, tape seals, $4 or B.O.
>>4) 2 120-tape 9-track tape racks (6 high, 20 wide): $25 each or B.O.
>> Preference given to someone who also buys tapes.
>>Kelvin Smith
>>Financial Computer Systems, Inc.
>>Stamford, CT
>>(203) 357-0504
>>Fax: 357-8031

Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho,
Blue Feather Technologies -- kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech [dot] com
Web: http://www.bluefeathertech.com
"...No matter how we may wish otherwise, our science can only describe an object,
event, or living thing in our own human terms. It cannot possibly define any of them..."
Received on Wed Mar 17 1999 - 19:37:04 GMT

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