HP 85 & a bit more.

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Wed Mar 17 19:33:57 1999

> I'd like to try working on a ECP parallel interface to one. It's mostly to
> realize what I'd done in the '70s with home grown tapes based on cassette
> transports trying to make something as good as DECtape!

I've already got one hooked up to a parallel port, and if you run under an
"operating system" that lets you disable interrupts (such as MS-DOS), it
doesn't require either ECP or EPP.

The drive that I was using for this experiment had seriously messed up
head alignment, but now I have another drive to try.

The caching SCSI controller project was just for fun, which means that
it probably won't get finished.

Of course, the simple way to cache a DECtape is to read the entire tape into
the cache.

Received on Wed Mar 17 1999 - 19:33:57 GMT

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