On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, bluoval wrote:
> > First, they couldn't do the background checks or check for stolen
> weapons. A legally valid reason, but likely an excuse. Second, if
> someone were assaulted with a weapon bought on E-Bay, the way things
> are going, E-Bay could be sued, and lose, BIG TIME. That's probably
> the real reason.
> The first is a given, but its not an excuse, its the law. The second
> is ridiculous, if Ebay sells the firearms lawfully. How could someone
> sue Ebay for the sale of a firearm used in a crime? That's like suing
> a gun store for selling a gun to a person who robbed a bank with it.
Sounds terribly stupid doesn't it? Well, SURPRISE! Its happening!
Cities are now going after gun stores to sue them for crimes committed
with the guns they sell.
You gotta love it!
> Unless Ebay doesn't sell the gun(s) according to the law, Ebay will
> win. Sure, you can sue anyone for anything, but chances are the person
> suing Ebay for something like that, and winning, is not likely at all!
You'd be surprised just how assanine certain segments of the population
can be.
Please no flames. I've marked this as off topic. If you want to deride
me do it in private e-mail.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Wed Mar 24 1999 - 01:54:02 GMT