Space, the next frontier

From: <(>
Date: Tue May 25 14:41:16 1999

> Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 17:25:36 -0400 (EDT)
> Reply-to:
> From: Max Eskin <>
> To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers" <>
> Subject: Re: Space, the next frontier
> X-To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers <>

Max scribbled:

> Oh, hard cards. I was envisioning separate drives. Were there any of
> these?

Even designed hardcards! (looks like black frame with plastic black
sides, one side is embossed in capacity size and brand is HD, green
circuit card) Impulse Plus (Quantum took it) used an nonstandard
card (in fact really similar to LPS series in that same period and
size capacity) with everything on it and hd bare just connections
between (opposite of IDE idea of all stuff on HD and nothing on card
to the slot.) From 10MB and 20 (platters coated w/ iron oxide and
epoxy), 50, 105, 240MB all last 3 are plated platters. All used
optical grating/read back from track to anlign heads.

Quantum HD's larger than 240MB dropped optical grating technologies I
think. Which is good thing to help seek times and cut expenses.


Received on Tue May 25 1999 - 14:41:16 BST

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