TCPIP via ethernet under DOS? (I know that is possible...b
> Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 09:49:52 -0500
> Reply-to:
> From: John Foust <>
> To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers" <>
> Subject: Re: TCPIP via ethernet under DOS? (I know that is
> possible...but!)
> At 12:56 AM 5/22/99 +0000, wrote:
> >Here is I have this:
> >Cable modem, few classic and (few not so-classic) machines w/
> >ethernet cards, DOS.
> Any luck so far? Given a spare moment, I could dig into my system to
> see how I did it. I remember using a solution using a packet radio
> driver and an 'ftp' program that I used before Win 3.11 networking
> came along. As to be expected of DOS, it mucked with a slew of drivers
> in CONFIG.SYS. I'm sure it was fixed IP, so your best bet would be
> to set up a firewall Linux box to connect to the cable modem,
> and run your old boxes on a subnet with fixed IPs that can talk to
> the firewall to get to the net.
Got some progress in gathering s/w from new successful searches with
right keywords. That is what I wondered about the packet drivers.
TCP to packet drivers do exist. But that caused me vast and terrible
visions of drivers atop another drivers to the final solution. Ugh!
Looks like this:
Kick the nic driver into action,
pull ip info w/ bootp, (that is the hardest part to transfer the info
between 2 programs) Invoke the tcp packet driver.
Then use any packet-aware apps like ftp, newsreaders etc.
But. The primary purpose is to d/l stuff by lynx or ftp (I like lynx
better for this) so I can "bootstrap" up to linux.
And I also found CUTCP too. What about it?
> - John
Received on Tue May 25 1999 - 14:48:40 BST
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