Micro/Vax/Station 2000 question

From: Don Maslin <donm_at_cts.com>
Date: Mon May 31 23:13:15 1999

On Mon, 31 May 1999, Don Maslin wrote:

> I am a little frustrated and sure that I am missing something rather
> obvious. However, what must I do to assure that VMS (5.5) recognizes
> my RX33 floppy drive, DUA2, on bootup without having to run SYSGEN and
> Autoconfigure All each time. The machine tries to boot from it if it has
> a disk installed and then switches to the RD54 DUA0 to go on to boot.

I think I just solved my own problem. Running SYSGEN and Autoconfigure
followed by AUTOGEN seems to have made VMS 'remember'! That's good news.

                                                 - don
Received on Mon May 31 1999 - 23:13:15 BST

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