11/34 inventory - board list

From: CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com <(CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com)>
Date: Sat Nov 6 16:55:30 1999

>Backplane #1 (working from right to left as seen from the front)
>M8266 (6)

11/34A control

>M8265 (6)

11/34A data paths

>M8267 (6)

11/34A FP

>M7859 (4) M9312 (2)

Console interface and bootstrap/terminator

>M7896 (6)

My book says the M7896-YA is a quad board, and is a DSS11 with 48 24V
contact sense inputs. This doesn't match up with what I'd expect here,
nor your description of it as a hex-height board. Can you double-check
this one? I suspect that it's actually a memory board...

>M7856 (4)

DL11 async line interface

>M7228 (4) M920 (2) ** bus jumper **

KW11-P real-time programmable clock

>Backplane #2
>M7800 (4)
>M7800 (4)


>M7860 (4)
>M7860 (4)

DR11-C's (general purpose parallel input/output)

>M7892 (4)

TU60 interface

>Dual D/A converters (third party) (6)
>Grant card
>M8716 (4) M9202 (2) ** bus jumper **

DR11-W, DMA parallel input/output

>Backplane #3
>M7219 (4)

RC11 bus interface

>M7821 (3?)

Interrupt control

>M796 (1)

Unibus master control

>(hidden) (2)

>M9760 (2)

60-wire cable, presumably running to a drive.

>M9302 (2)


>In this last back plane there are several cards that are dual or one wide
>and are short with white extension things over them so that they can be
>pushed from the top (but they hide the M numbers)
>So it seems that this is actually an 11/34a on the inside, that's nice to
>know. Anyone have any clues on the third backplane?

It looks to be at least part of the Unibus interface (RC11) for the
RS64/RS03/RS04 drives. These are head-per-track disks with capacities
of 64K, 256K, and 512K words respectively.

 Tim Shoppa                        Email: shoppa_at_trailing-edge.com
 Trailing Edge Technology          WWW:   http://www.trailing-edge.com/
 7328 Bradley Blvd		   Voice: 301-767-5917
 Bethesda, MD, USA 20817           Fax:   301-767-5927
Received on Sat Nov 06 1999 - 16:55:30 GMT

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