- jfedorko_at_virtualadmin.com (Wed Nov 24 1999 - 17:24:39 GMT)
- (3) ASR 33, KSR 33, Friden Flexowriter (fwd)
- (3) ASR 33, KSR 33, Friden Flexowriter (fwd) (sorry about that last post)!
- (from usenet) PDP-11 emulator available
- (from usenet) PDP-11 emulator available)
- (fwd) 1976 Apple-I (Apple-ONE) up for auction sale
- (no subject)
- 11/34 & Cool stuff, but what is it? (Q-bus gear)
- 11/34 inventory - board list
- 11/60 Rescued!
- 4381
- 50-year-old Aussie CSIRAC computer being restored
- 8bit Classic Computer IRC Channel?
- 990/10
- [OT] They're restarting Chernobyl?
- [Sol-20 Restoration: further adventures..]
- a little more info (was: going soon...)
- A new arrival...
- A new arrival... (update)
- A sad day for DPT...
- AGAIN: SD (FM) on PC (Was: Panasonic 8" Floppy Drive
- Ah, the computer age.....
- Alphatronix == Viking
- Alto file types
- Amdek Color 1 monitor
- Amdek Disks and Drives
- Amstrad CPC 6128 Floppy problem
- another 11/60
- another 11/60)
- Antique Trader
- Anyone got a spare RA92 frontpanel? (Every fscking time...)
- Apple ][ + but no Floppies
- Apple ][+ find and info/sw request...
- apple II DOS diskettes - can they be made on a PC?
- Apple ii-c questions
- Applesoft BASIC question
- Archives and Computer Museum History Center
- Argh!!! PDP-8/m Memory
- ASR 33, KSR 43, Friden Flexowriter
- async mux pinout?
- AT&T 3B2
- AT&T 3B2/300 Ppower supply available
- B12YN F
- BA23 available!
- Basic 4 tape drive?
- Boards from a heath (zenith?) computer
- C-64 Comms program
- CDC 9766 SMD drives
- Classic Computer Hardware & Software - Sealed Bid Auction
- Classic Computer Stuff Auction - More Items & Pictures Added
- Classic Hardware Documentation Project
- Classic Hardware Documentation Project)
- Classic Hardware DocumentationProject)
- Classic Hardware Documentiation Project
- Classic Mac Porn
- Classified Vintage
- Cleaning an 11/34?
- Cleaning Boards / Contacts
- Coco FDC hacks (was: Ebay reaches new low
- CoCo hacking
- Computer recycling companies in Sacramento?
- Computers and other hardware containing the 8008 microproce
- Computers and other hardware containing the 8008 microprocessor
- Conf-Cookie:941752187-43038-1
- Convergent Technologies
- Convergent Technologies WorkSlate
- Convergent technologies workSlate, atari computer lot, etc for sale on ebay
- Cool haul this weekend.
- Corroding Core memory
- CP/M-80 drivers for WD33C93 ???
- D--16 Maintenance Manuals? Someone needed them?
- dammit...
- dammit... DCL
- dammit...)
- Data General Nova
- DataIO 212 tips?
- Dayna File
- Debugging ONMIBUS cards
- DEC and misc stuff available
- DEC Handbooks
- DEC Qbus Card
- DECStation 5000/240 how to open?
- DF32 disk writer
- DF32 or RF08/RS08
- DG house numbered part xref/help with what *looks* like a mux...
- Did the list change?
- Differences Between CompacTape I, II, III
- Digi-Log TeleComputer
- Digital PC350
- Digital-PC350-D
- do you still need XT parts?
- Does anybody have a Westinghouse 1600?
- donation of computer
- Dont want to start a flame war here but
- DS3100 Questions
- E.U.N.U.C.H.
- E.U.N.U.C.H. (Cooling)
- E.U.N.U.C.H. (Cost)
- E.U.N.U.C.H. (DrillingHoles)
- E.U.N.U.C.H. (Materialthickness)
- E.U.N.U.C.H. (Other Chips)
- E.U.N.U.C.H. (Overclocking in the old time)
- Ebay reaches new
- Ebay reaches new low
- Ebay reaches new low)
- Ed's response [WAS: Ebay reaches new low]
- Effective Speed of 10BaseT
- Effective Speed of 10BaseT)
- eMail: Capital offense?
- EMC buys DG for $1.1B
- EPROM issues, who can burn?
- EPROM sideline
- EPROM sideline)
- Even Bigger problem with VMS
- Exormacs and Versados
- Experience with Dilog DQ696-20?
- FA (eBay) SBC collection: KIM-1, SYM, TK-80, and... lots of freebies
- FA: Lots of manuals and other stuff
- Famous Bill Gates Harvard ASR33 Clones!
- Finally got a "straight" DF32 yesterday
- Finally got a "straight" DF32 yesterday - bandwidth saver - many messages inside
- Finally got a "straight" DF32 yesterday)
- Fireproofing questions
- Floppy Drive specifications
- for the love of god.... please remove me from this list !
- Found in my old DEC stuff, S1022 manual
- Found some PDP-1 stuff and updated webpage
- Frame buffer PMAGB-BA for DECstation
- FREE MicroVAX in UK
- Free RRD40 cdrom drives
- Freebie alert: CDC 9766 SMD drive
- FS or Trade in Socal: Vector Graphic / COMPAL System
- FS: Rainbow & decmate stuff
- FT/S: Commodore 1902A monitor only
- Fujitsu Update
- Fwd: Finally got a "straight" DF32 yesterday
- FWD: saving DECWriter III settings
- Fwd: VAX 11/730 System and 11/750 parts available
- going soon, machines in Woodbridge, VA, USA
- going soon...
- Got a partial list of some of this load... (FUJITSU/VAX)
- Great Find Today
- Great Saturday
- GRiDcase batteries
- Gridpads on epay
- Grrrrrr
- Grrrrrr (IBM 5288 MANUALS and FDDS available)
- Grrrrrr)
- Have dinosaur - need paper.
- Help
- Help identify a 'luggable'
- Help with (Obsolete computers--a paper)
- Help.. AcerAnyWare 386S laptop system disk
- Help: Identify DEC/Dilog Modules
- hey, have old computer stuff for sale, have to make some room here
- Highlights from our exhibit area
- HP 5001 MicroProcessor Exerciser
- HP 7550 plotter
- HP 9144 and HP tapes: Again
- HP 9144 tapes
- HP 9144A, other stuff
- HP Integral PC
- HP stuff (was HP's not cool)
- HP's -- slick stuff, high price. Great mechanicals
- HP-HIL keyboard/mouse
- HP9825 on epay
- Hyperion Passport, Apricot, Convergent Technologies workSlate,
- Hyperion Passport, Apricot, Convergent Technologies workSlate, Amdek, HELP!
- I have a tashiba 5100
- IBM 4381
- IBM 5120 power question
- IBM 9370 Mainframe Specs?
- IBM P70-386 portable machines
- If this is what I think it is...
- IGS Company Confidental manual
- Info about Alpha Micro 1021, HP terminal, 8" floppy
- Intecolor Fuse Question
- Intecolor Terminal Acquisition Report
- Interesting... PDP-8/m Mem problems
- Is this a modem?
- Items Added to Classic Computer Sale
- Jumper settings for TEAC FD235HF p/n 19307322-17
- Junk report
- Just found schematics to a Tube Mini! 1958! WOW!
- Just found some PDP-4 paper tape software
- Just picked up a HUGE PDP-8I and PDP-15 and .....
- keyboard keys
- KIM-1, KIM-2, KIM-3, KIM-4
- KK8E, KK8A and front panel questions
- Large number of DEC manuals for sale, Dealer inquiries welcome
- lasner_at_unc.edu ?
- LET'S (old topic)/and PDP-8I code/update
- LET'S (old topic)/and PDP-8I code/update)
- Links
- List spammer traced
- Looking for a couple of Apple IIE modems
- Looking for DEC card Reader: CR11 or CM11
- Looking for Heath H89 software and some advice
- Looking for IBM Xenix
- Looking for info on Calcomp Sanders box
- Looking for Intel's 8008 programming tools: PL/M, Assembler, Simulator
- Looking for old equipment -- please help!
- Looking for...PC/104 Ethernet board
- Looking to benchmark my 8/S.
- M/PM OS?
- mac IIx drive bracket needed
- Made a deal to get a Vax 6000, 2 Fujitsu Supercomputers and TOPS10???
- Made a deal to get a Vax 6000, 2 Fujitsu Supercomputers andTOPS10???
- Made a deal to get a Vax 6000,2 Fujitsu Supercomputers and TOPS10???)
- Made a deal to get a Vax6000,2 Fujitsu Supercomputers and TOPS10???)
- Made a deal to get a Vax6000,2Fujitsu Supercomputers and TOPS10???)
- Marks response [ebay reaches new low]
- Meshna
- MicroVax Amusement
- MicroVax I microVMS 4.1 Password locked out.
- MicroVax I wont boot
- MicroVAX-II / PDP11-73 question...
- Miscell, boards: WICAT, Wang; Disks.
- Mitsubishi MP286L
- MOP bootable XXDP?
- More free (not quite classic) stuff...
- More Interesting Stuff
- more junk
- More OS wants....
- My new toys: Apollo and Osborne 1
- nasty attitudes
- NCD 15r + monitor 15b
- NCR model 4
- Need a RS232 interface transputer tram
- Need DOS 3.3 to restore a PC based instrument
- Need help, and I screwed up with my post
- Need VAX cables
- Needed, Memory chip info for a Compaq
- Needed....
- Needed: 1 IBM 8" alignment disk.
- New additions
- new additions (OT) Autoclaves
- New Collector in Need of Help!
- New Finds
- New finds and some h-11 help
- new hamfest additions
- New items added to classic computer sale
- New to the list & other Stuff....
- New toy (Fat Mac 512)
- No subject
- NorthStar Advantage - Free to a good home.
- Northstar Horizon
- Northstar Horizon)
- Now a UDA50 question...
- Nx 586
- Obsolete media (was: Whats the screwiest thing you
- Obsolete media (was: Whats the screwiest thing you collect?)
- Obsolete media -- wanted a non-three phase RP06
- Old Compute stuff
- Old Computer stuff
- old NEC APC computer
- Old plasma display
- Old Vectrex machine spotted in goodwill (Hillsboro Oregon)
- Oops.
- Oscilloscopes
- Oscilloscopes | Free * if wanted, poss OT.
- Oscilloscopes | More! Free * if wanted, poss OT.
- Oscilloscopes)`
- OT: A Unix question (the TALK function).....
- OT: Effective Speed of 10BaseT
- OT: Effective Speed of 10BaseT)
- OT: IBM Scanner model 9066
- OT: Microsoft Ruling is finally out!
- OT: patenting an old year/date concept, to make millions
- OT: Sony VAIO
- OT: TANSTAAFL (was: VMS architects)
- OT: Transmeta
- OT: Tru64 Unix 5.0 Hobbyist
- Own Your Own Internet Store
- Paging R.I. Computer Museum representative
- Panasonic 8" Floppy Drive
- PDP 11/23 PLUS needs saving
- PDP 8I up and running but....
- PDP-10 Software Archive
- PDP-11 emulator available)
- PDP-11 Freeware CD's under emulators
- PDP-11 Processor Handbook?
- pdp-11/60 Semi-Rescue
- pdp-11/60 Semi-Rescue)
- pdp-11/60 Semi-Rescue))
- pdp-11/60 WCS
- PDP-15 is running... but has 8 lives left!
- PDP-8/m !!!!
- PDP-8/m Memory (still more)
- PDP-8/m Mystery Board -- CCMP 316 ?
- PDP11 spotted today in Sunnyvale CA for SALE
- Pictures of the PDP-8I, PDP-15
- Pittsburgh Goodwill
- PR1ME 2550 Additional
- Prime 2550 possibly available
- Priority for a QDSS color framebuffer?
- PS Pinout needed
- Q:apple II diskettes - on a PC? A:NO
- RA81 questions.
- Racks ?
- RANT about ADAPTEC (was A sad day for DPT...)
- request (fwd)
- Retrogaming
- RH11
- RT11 V5.7 + RA92 = ?
- RX02 switch settings and RX8E bootstrap needed
- Samba
- Samuel Caldwell's book: Switching Circuits and Logical Design
- Saving old documentation
- scans needed
- schottky diode again..
- Schottky diode Question.
- Series 42 stuff available
- Shipping old heavy stuff
- sightings report: Grid desktop PC
- Sinclair QL and others..
- Some articles on VCF 3.0
- Some More VAXish (SYSBOOT) questions..
- Some More VAXish questions..
- Some Progress on -8/m Mem problems
- Spare BA* series chassi?
- Srange Boards Part II
- Strange boards in Apple//e
- Strange boards in Apple//e)
- Stuff available in Richardson, Texas
- subscribe
- Supermac Technology Enhance card for Mac 128K
- SuperUser ID's
- SuperUser ID's)
- Surplus paper tape punch/reader available
- Surplus paper tape punch/reader update
- suscribe
- SWTPC 8k Basic / Vintage Software Policy
- T1200 blues
- Tampa Hamfest
- Tandy 2000
- Tektronix 4641 Printer (DEC LA-180)
- Tektronix 560 and AX08
- Tektronix 8501 Data Management Unit
- Tektronix u8002 uProcessor Lab (MicroProcessor Developement System)
- Teleco Question...
- Tennecomp Systems TP-000020B - What is it?
- Test
- test, don't read
- Thank you folks! The information will come in really handy!!!!
- The Computer Museum History Center Collections Policy
- The Computerist's Video Plus board
- The good old days of tape players
- The most Famous ASR33!
- TI Silent 700
- TI99 another issue.
- TI99: Is the following true?
- To give away leading edge-computer/monitor and printer
- Today's toy -- Hayes Chrono!
- Tractor & Computer storage...
- trancor northern, oscilloscopes
- transferring data between APPLE IIGS CP/M diskettes and the real world.
- Ugh, PC0 + PDP-8I problem.
- Unidentified terminal with built in modem
- Unkonwn QBus card... anybody know what this is?
- UPDATE: Just found schematics to a Tube Mini! 1958! WOW!
- Update: Schottky diode
- Used PDP Equipment.
- Using insults when arguments fail
- Vax 3100 Runs good (fwd)
- Vax 4000/VLC
- Vax 4000/VLT
- VAXstation 3100 history (Was ... different)
- VAXStation 3100 problems :(
- Vector Graphic
- Victor series 1400 CRT tube display calculator
- VMS architects
- VMS architects]
- VP12 - 8I Plotter Interface.
- VR241 vertical linearity problem
- VT220's available in Kansas City
- Want To Buy HP 3000/928 W/100 User License!!!!
- Wanted: Old DEC stuff in Texas
- Wanted: PDP-11 in Texas
- Wanted: TK50 Cartridges
- What's RT-11's device name for TMSCP tapes?
- Whats the screwiest thing you collect?
- Whats the screwiest thing you collect?)
- Whoohoo! Fortune Telling...
- Whoohoo! Fortune Telling... (Customs)
- Why do we like/dislike/abhor/love certain machines so much?
- Would you take my PDP-8I for ?
- Wow, great way to get pictures of boards!
- Xerox D-series workstations
- YADML - Yet Another DEC Module List
- Yet more on -8/m Mem problems
- Yet more on -8/m Mem problems)
- Your message to ClassicCmp
- Last message date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 23:53:36 GMT
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:32:31 BST