Needed, Memory chip info for a Compaq

From: B'ichela <>
Date: Sat Nov 6 18:57:39 1999

        I am aware that this list covers Older systems than Compaq. From
what I can see from reading this list.. someone might have an answer.
        I have a Compaq Despro 386n. Currently it has 4mb of ram. I am
painfully running Slackware 3.1 on it. Does anyone know what kind of
Memory this machine is using? From what I can see, it has two Simm modules
that appear to be 72 pin. There is memory chips on both sides of these.
Does standard Simms of the 72pin variety have memory chips on both sides
of the simm?
        If these ARE standard, does anyone have two 8mb ones? I want to
put 16mb of ram on the Deskpro as 4mb stinks! The Compaq only can hold two
of them unless you have the special Compaq memory expander board. If these
are specialized. again who has them inexpensivly?
        Please respond either via the list or priate email to my address

                A pearl of wisdom from the y2K newsgroups:
aY2K appears to be the Baby Boomers mid-life crisis, and it has the
potential to be a dandy.
                        -- Anonymnous --

Received on Sat Nov 06 1999 - 18:57:39 GMT

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