Strange boards in Apple//e

From: <(>
Date: Mon Nov 8 15:49:07 1999


I just picked up an Apple IIe and it has some strange boards

  an eprom chip is covered with a label "SSB-1" there is a 10 pin ribbon cable connector
that goes to a 9 pin female connector on the back plate. the biggest chip on the board is a
SYU6551a - serial board of some kind?

Board 2
Says Digicard D-Net and has a wire that goes to a board in slot 1. biggest chip is an am8530h-

Board 3

also says Digicard, The largest chip has a label that says "Digicard Video Network V1.5"

very mysterios. I tookem out.

Received on Mon Nov 08 1999 - 15:49:07 GMT

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