Classic Computer Stuff Auction - More Items & Pictures Added

From: Bill Richman <>
Date: Mon Nov 8 19:36:33 1999

No bids on most items as yet. New items added 11/3/99 and 11/5/99. Take a
look. I've reorganized the page so it loads fast - just text, with links to
the pictures. Added pictures of most items.

Bill's Classic Computer Emporium 
and Junque Sale
This will be conducted as a sealed-bid auction.  High bidder takes the item.
Please bid by e-mailing your bid (minimum of $10 on each item) to (that's bill(underscore)r).   Please include the item
number, description, your bid amount, and your e-mail and snail-mail address
and telephone number in each bid.   Bids will be accepted through November
30th, 1999, although some items may close early if I receive what I feel is
a reasonable offer and/or have not seen much interest in an item.
In addition to the amount stated in the bid, the high bidder also agrees to
pay actual packing and shipping costs, and insurance if desired, or to
arrange to pick the item(s) up in Lincoln, Nebraska.   Seller reserves the
right to withdraw items from or add items to the auction at any time.
Payment by cashier's check or money order will result in faster shipment.
Payment by personal check will delay shipment until the check clears.  All
items are AS-IS, and no guarantee of any kind is made with regard to
operability, suitability for application, safety, or completeness.
Descriptions are as honest and accurate as possible; if you have specific
questions about an item and are serious about placing a bid, please e-mail
me at the above address and I'll try to provide additional information.
This is all stuff I've collected over the years and no longer have room to
keep - I'd rather not get rid of it, but at least I'd like to see it go to
someone who will enjoy it and appreciate it.
(Most item descriptions below can be clicked to see pictures and/or
additional information on the item!)
#1)  Working Zenith H-89 with non-working dual external 5 1/4" floppy drive
box and pix of documentation & software including HDOS, CP/M, etc.   Clean
and neat, with builder's name on top corner in magic marker.
#2) Non-working Zenith H-89 with internal 5 1/4" floppy drives (no
documentation or software).  No picture available, but it looks like this
(without the external floppy box on top).
#3) Apple computer plotter.  Worked when last used a couple of years ago.
Very dusty.
#4) Big box of assorted software, some old, some new.  Includes WordPerfect
6.0, Tallgrass Technologies tape software, IBM DOS, etc.  No guarantee that
any of it is complete, but I believe a lot of it is.
#5) US Robotics Courier HST Dual Standard.  Worked when last used.   Has
been sitting on top of bookshelf and is somewhat dusty.
#6) Friden mechanical calculator - two available.  Stored in basement; very
moldy - maybe some rust.  A working one (which I am keeping) does square
roots, long division, etc.  Chugs along for a while sliding the carriage
across the top and turning the number wheels, then does a "carriage return"
and rings a bell when finished.  Model STW10, Serial #'s 634453 and 644615.
#7) "Fulcrum Computer Products" S-100 box.  Turnkey front panel - no lights
& switches.  Also no top cover.  Contains partially populated S-100
backplane & hefty IMSAI-style power supply.  (This may have *been* an IMSAI
OEM of some kind.)  
#8) IBM 5151 green screen monitor.  Dusty.  Unknown condition.
#9) IBM EGA monitor.  Dusty.  Unknown condition.
#10) IBM PC chassis with dual floppy drives & power supply.   Some kind of
motherboard; don't know if it's original or not.
#11) Modem Tester.  Appears to send test data via RS-232 at various speeds &
patterns, while counting errors.  Display (nixie tubes) lights up & counts.
Unknown condition.
#12) Tandy video monitor.  Dusty.  Unknown condition.
#13) IBM 5151 monitor.  Dusty.  Unknown condition.
#14) Okidata Microline 192 printer.  Believed to be functional.   Plastic
shipping film still on front panel.  Dusty.
#15) Radio Shack TRS-80 Line Printer VI.  Somewhat grungy.   Small bit of
surface rust on rollers.  
#16) Radio Shack printer/plotter.  Very good condition.  Was working when
last used.  Stored with dust cover - nice & clean.  With manual!
#17) Telex 201 printer.  Unknown condition.
#18) Tracer 5 - 5 1/4" diskette duplicator.  Comes with drive & output bin.
Worked when last used.  Very dusty. 
#19 & #20) Kontron "KLA" Logic analyzer (2 available) - they boot up and
display a menu; other than that, I know nothing about them.  Some
documentation available.  Data pods (?) included.  Very heavy to ship (50+
lbs each).
#21) TRS-80 Model 1 computer (non-functional; stopped working and was
shelved).  Nice & clean - includes monitor, 2 external floppy drives, and
expansion interface.  
#22) 3 1/2" floppy duplicator (IBM 720Kb only).  Auto-loads up to 100
diskettes.  Was working when taken out of service.  Includes spring-loaded
output bin.  Slightly dusty.
#23) Box of miscellaneous PC/XT cards.  Includes an assorment of 10-12
monochrome, CGA, EGA, & VGA video cards, several IBM base-band network cards
and hub, 8-10 Arcnet cards, floppy controllers, hard drive controllers, 1200
bps modem cards, serial & Parallel adapters, many 4Mb/s token-ring cards,
and other miscellaneous cards for a total of about
Items Added on 11/3/99: 
#24) COBAR 3132 CRT Terminal with 2 keyboards.  Worked when last used.
#25) Beehive MicroB1 Video Terminal.  Was working when last used.
#26) Hazeltine 1000 Video Terminal.  Was working, but quit and was shelved.
#27) IBM Wheelprinter E.  Worked when last used.  Very dusty.
#28) Tektronix Type 532 Oscilloscope with Type CA Dual Trace Plug-in.   On
cart with wheels.  Working, but needs TLC.
#29) "ii200" Terminal.  Not certain of the manufacturer.   It's huge, with a
monochrome display and a separate keyboard.
#30) Tallgrass Technologies "TG-5025" external 24MB (yes, megabyte!) Hard
Drive with integrated 60MB Tape Backup.  Unknown condition; cosmetically
good.  Includes manual in original binder and IBM PC driver on original 5
1/4" diskette. Dusty!
#31) IBM EGA Video Monitor.  Condition uncertain, but believed to have been
working when last used.
#32) Tandy 1000 Computer System with Tandy color monitor and keyboard.
Includes "Zuckerboard" memory expansion card.
#33) Tandy 2000 Computer System with keyboard.
Items Added on 11/5/99:
#34) Compaq Deskpro 386s - complete system including monitor, keyboard, and
user's manual, in mint condition!
#35) Panasonic Hand-Held Computer (HHC) with printer/cassette interface.
#35) Panasonic Hand-Held Computer (HHC) with printer/cassette interface.
(another one)
#36) Sencore PS 163 Oscilloscope.   Schematic included.  Works for 2-3
minutes, then trace fades away.  Turn off for 5-10 minutes and it comes
#37) Gorilla composite monitor.   Unknown condition.
#38) IBM PC Jr. infrared chicklet keyboard.   Worked when last used. (4
#39) External Hayes-compatible 2400 baud modem (10 available) 
      -Bill Richman ( - Home of the COSMAC Elf Microcomputer
       Simulator, Fun with Molten Metal, Orphaned Robots, and Technological Oddities.
Received on Mon Nov 08 1999 - 19:36:33 GMT

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