Ebay reaches new low

From: Bill Bradford <mrbill_at_mrbill.net>
Date: Tue Nov 9 16:59:01 1999

On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 01:54:01PM -0700, Mark Gregory wrote:
> I thought the "*RARE* 128K Mac with original signatures" was bad, but this
> is worse:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=197183379
> >From the pictures, it looks like he's selling 6" x 10 " pieces of a
> featureless flat panel that he claims comes from a Univac; nothing
> interesting about them, no logos or switches, just an alleged association
> with the Univac name. Must be aiming at suckers who confuse ENIAC with
> UNIVAC and don't realize that Univacs were commercially available in
> substantial numbers.
> And he admits to scrapping the Univac years ago, proving he's a heretic.

He's been doing this with various pieces of equipment (and I do mean "pieces")
for a while now. I'm not sure, but I think he may be the same guy who was
selling stuff like System/360 control panels, etc, saying "man, you should have
seen the rest of the machine before I scrapped it..".

Pathetic. Just pathetic.


Bill Bradford   *   mrbill_at_mrbill.net    /   http://www.mrbill.net
                    mrbill_at_sunhelp.org   /   http://www.sunhelp.org
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using 
Windows NT for mission-critical applications."
     -- What Yoda *meant* to say 
Received on Tue Nov 09 1999 - 16:59:01 GMT

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