Apple ii-c questions

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Wed Nov 10 00:03:55 1999

I've had this more or less useless Apple-iic sitting about, always
suspecting it could be used for something, and I've had a couple of ideas,
but I'm curious whether it uses the same DOS as and has other
characteristics similar to the Apple][+.

The joystick port seemingly has a few bits of input and the printer port has
a few bits of output. It would be amusing to do something useful with this

What are the port locations for its internally packaged I/O? Are there ways
of expanding the I/O without slowing down for serial I/O?

If I open the box, what will I find? Anything capable of handling, say, a

Received on Wed Nov 10 1999 - 00:03:55 GMT

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