Ebay reaches new low

From: Bill Bradford <mrbill_at_mrbill.net>
Date: Wed Nov 10 17:58:19 1999

On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 05:57:02PM -0500, helicopterman_at_webtv.net wrote:
> a side note to mrbill. i took a look at your pages and they are complex
> and beautiful BUT you have a large number of links on the sun page all
> highlighted together. i know you will want to fix that.

I wrote back to him telling him that this was intentional, and that clicking
on the bunch of news items that are all one link takes you to the news page
with the full articles and not just the headers.


Bill Bradford   *   mrbill_at_mrbill.net    /   http://www.mrbill.net
                    mrbill_at_sunhelp.org   /   http://www.sunhelp.org
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using 
Windows NT for mission-critical applications."
     -- What Yoda *meant* to say 
Received on Wed Nov 10 1999 - 17:58:19 GMT

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