DEC Handbooks

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Tue Nov 16 17:23:36 1999

--- wrote:
> > Can anyone please point me at a complete(ish) list of all the various
> > PDP/VAX related DEC handbooks?
> >
> > TIA.
> >
> > TTFN - Pete.
> Best list I know of is the list Megan has on her web pages, sorry don't have
> the URL.

I happen to be working on a list this week... it's not *all* the handbooks,
but it's all the ones that _I_ have. I'm about 10% done.

Also... I'm inventorying the two boxes of B-sized prints I found in the attic
this last week (after a six month search!). Neither is exhaustive, but the
first box is at least all listed by the identity of the cover sheet (since
many of the print sets contain entire other prints sets in their own rights).
I'm going through the second box more carefully for the first pass. It's a
good thing I did: I found a ASR-33 test/adjustment document at the back of
something completely different. All I need now is a set of feeler gauges.

Before anyone asks, no, I haven't scanned any of this. I do not have access
to an 11"x17" scanner. I wish I did.

The CGI script is just something I whipped up for basic formatting to turn
a comma-separated file into a table with the module in perl. The
greatest perk of my current assignment is that we use OO perl for production
code. I've picked up quite an arsenal of perl tricks over the past six months.

Eventually, I'll be sprucing up the retrocomputing pages at...

... but it's not high on the list of things to do this month.


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Received on Tue Nov 16 1999 - 17:23:36 GMT

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