Well, with the aid of the "PDP-8/e Simulator" for the Mac, I figured out
how to use the front panel, and execute the "Initial Operating Check".
Load it into the real PDP-8/m, and start it. Wait a minute, that's not
what it's supposed to be doing...
After a bunch of investigating, and going back to the "PDP-8/e Simulator"
to figure out how to display the contents of memory, I discover that there
is nothing in memory :^(
Based on the fact I can see what I'm trying to enter when I've got the
switch set to 'MD' and hit Deposit, it sounds to me, suspiciously like I've
got a bad 4K Core set.
Anyone have any suggestions on something to check?
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh_at_aracnet.com (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh_at_holonet.net (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/ |
Received on Sat Nov 20 1999 - 22:33:24 GMT