Own Your Own Internet Store

From: Christian Fandt <cfandt_at_netsync.net>
Date: Tue Nov 23 16:43:38 1999

Upon the date 11:42 AM 11/23/99 -0800, Mike Ford said something like:
>>I think. BTW, you asked u.wash to try to limit access to the list only to
>>those who are subscribers. I hope they don't take the simple route and
>Its called a closed list, only subscribers can post.

Maybe after these incidents it'll be closed Mike, but it was rather clear
that outsiders could post to the list. Several legitimate (on topic, that
is) posts from folks who were refered to us with computing questions or
stuff to offer came in during the past months. Spam crap rolled in too
though . . .

Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
        Member of Antique Wireless Association
        URL: http://www.antiquewireless.org/
Received on Tue Nov 23 1999 - 16:43:38 GMT

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