CP/M-80 drivers for WD33C93 ???

From: Richard Erlacher <edick_at_idcomm.com>
Date: Sat Nov 27 11:21:36 1999

The databook's not the problem. I've got a couple of those. It's the fact
that I'm looking at a one-of, and would prefer not to generate a whole code
set if someone already has done work they' be willing to share. Since I
have a plurality of these chips on hand, and since they'll drive the cable
directly, requiring very few parts to complete the job, I'd like to use this
device for the current task as a prelude to using it in the future. I've
never had to write drivers for the thing myself, so I haven't any archived
code I can go back to study.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Lane <kyrrin_at_bluefeathertech.com>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Saturday, November 27, 1999 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: CP/M-80 drivers for WD33C93 ???

>At 00:03 27-11-1999 -0700, you wrote:
>>Has anybody got a CP/M-80 BIOS driver example for the WD33C93 SCSI
>>controller? I'd surely like to look at one or two. Format utility stuff
>>would be good, too.
> I'm pretty sure I have the databook that covered the 33C93. Would you like
>me to run off some copies of the datasheets?
>Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies
>http://www.bluefeathertech.com // E-mail: kyrrin_at_bluefeathertech.com
>Amateur Radio: WD6EOS since Dec. '77
>"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our
>own human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Received on Sat Nov 27 1999 - 11:21:36 GMT

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