Whats the screwiest thing you collect?

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Mon Nov 29 14:14:58 1999

>Wow. My collection of sharp objects are strictly modern reproductions. To
>the point where I took them to the vet and had 'em xrayed to see if they were
>correctly made. Some were, come weren't. Sold the ones that weren't.
>> Swords can be neat, I have a friend who recently sold a japanese sword for
>> $40k to one of those roving sword buyers. Some local yard sale had a box

This one was 650 years old, made by one of the best, and used in some major
ceremony. My friend estimated it will sell for 4 times as much in Japan.
Received on Mon Nov 29 1999 - 14:14:58 GMT

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